Wednesday 20 February 2013

Hair nutrition

Have you ever wondered how you can grow your hair longer and faster, but not just long hair, healthy, shiny and luscious hair? Keep reading to find out how J

Although your hair is outside of your body it also has an internal structure. At the base of your hair, the follicle, there are tiny cells running around trying to make sure your hair grows in the best condition it can. So in order to help out these cells it’s very important to make sure they have the best nutrition.

Almond oil
For centuries in India, almonds have been harvested and crushed to produce oils which have then been used for cooking, healing and nourishment for hair. 

Nowadays it's not so difficult to go and find various lotions and potions containing almond oil. However also keep in mind that these contain preservatives, perfumes and other chemicals. That is why it is sometimes to best to buy almond oil that is primarily for cooking, as this will contain the least amount of chemicals. Almond oil for cooking is safe to use in the hair as it still contains it's vital amino acids.

How to apply
The almond oil should be heated first, hot oils are easier to apply and diffuse through the follicles faster and more efficiently. Be careful not to make the oil so hot that it ends up scalding you.

The oil should then be applied with the fingers all throughout the scalp.

Going from the front to the back in straight lines will help reduce knots in your hair and will ensure you cover all of your scalp.

Make sure you part your hair and get right into the scalp.

Leave this in for at least 2 hours and all day or night if you can.

Wash out with your regular shampoo and don't forget to condition, it can sometimes be helpful to shampoo twice to make sure you get out the smell and don't end up with greasy hair. 

Do this routine at least  twice a month or once a week if you can.
Visit this video to see how it's done!

Other oils
Sweet almond oil can also be used. Coconut oil is also considered an alternative; however it can be more smelly and hard to wash out. Olive oil is sometimes thought to be better, however it works just as well and the only downfall is that it is far more expensive.

Visit back next week to see how by changing your washing, drying and combing technique you can prevent hair fallout J